Garden Tour - 16/08/2021 at 12 noon
Enjoy a tour of our beautiful gardens with Head Gardener Breda Enright when she will discuss the history of the place, a former convent garden, while explaining about some of the current planting.
Booking necessary at as places are limited.
Children welcome but must be accompanied by an adult.
See the event on the Heritage Week site:íseart-gardens

Siúlóid bithéagsúlachta / Biodiversity walk in the gardens 16/08/2021 ag 2.30-3.30 i.n.

***Breda Enright will conduct the biodiversity tour of the garden, in place of Niamh Ní Dhúill
A nature walk in the garden, exploring some habitats and getting to know some of the useful plants growing there, for us and for the insects and birds. Learn how to make some space and homes in our gardens for these creatures that are so important for the work they do in helping us to have a healthy environment. Child friendly, with some practical activities which can be done back at home and school gardens too. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Places limited so book early.
Táimíd ana-bhuíoch do Tobar Dhuibhne as a dtacaíocht.
View the event on the Heritage Week site

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