Díseart Gardens
The Sensory/biodiversity garden
The sensory/biodiversity garden was opened in August 2020.
The sensory garden was opened to the community on August, 10 2020. The garden has biodiversity as a central theme in the choice of plants and the layout of the areas, some of which are planted with wildflowers and will be left unmowed to provide habitats for insects and bees other areas of the garden a contribution to the feeding places for butterflies and bees and many other insects.
The area is accessed through a series of paths that bring you on a tour of the garden. Paths through the garden include a willow tunnel. The southern end is reserved for wildlife. The most prominent feature of the area is the Nun’s Graveyard, guarded by two angel statues at the gate and enclosed by white iron railings The graveyard itself is dominated by an impressive mature pollarded copper beech tree which may be part of the original garden vegetation and thereby predates the establishment and use of the garden.
The development of the sensory/biodiversity garden in the grounds of An Diseart is supported by the Clár programme Department of Rural and Community Development Kerry County Council.
Visitors are welcome to the beautiful garden. Take a leisurely stroll in these pleasant surroundings. The garden has three sections and are all part of a design by Mary Reynolds. The first garden is the last to be developed, The Sensory Garden, The middle garden is the The Prayer Garden and the third garden is the Family Tree Garden

Garden II Prayer Garden
The Prayer Garden is a rectangular garden enclosed by high walls it is reached through a pointed arch doorway, the garden contains a prayer labyrinth with the stations of the cross as stones laid out on the western side of the labyrinth. The practice is to pick up a stone and carry it though the labyrinth and lay it in a bowl at the centre of the labyrinth. This garden also hosts two magnificent Irish Yew trees (Taxus baccata ‘Fastgiata’), they date from before 1841-2 and may be 1820. The garden includes a number of fruiting bushes.
Upper Garden Family Tree Garden
This garden was made with the intention of strengthening the sense of community in Corca Dhuibhne. It was also made to heighten our sense of place and deepen our connection with the earth while creating a gentle habitat in this woodland garden.
Each tree has a guardian family. The family names are carved into the old slates from the former convent roof which are placed at the base of each relevant tree. These trees are planted together and their root will intertwine and connect the community together.
The garden is made up of alternate birch trees and rowan trees. In our Irish tradition, birch trees symbolise a fresh start and they are a potent symbol of purification and renewal. Birch trees hold the energy of embracing change and remind us that life always follows death in the constant cycle of life. Our ancestors believed the rowan was a symbol of the hidden mysteries of nature. This tree has always been known as a guard or protector and was believed to give courage and strength to those walking the path of spiritual growth or enlightenment.
Three connected circles from the basis of the design. The first is the community circle where picnic tables are dotted fro gatherings. The second is the pear tree circle. The central tree is surrounded by a circle of smaller trees; these are named at the base for each of the schools on the peninsula.
The third circle contains the Cúilín Seabhrach (corner of happiness). This is the space for performances and gatherings to draw the community together in celebration.
Thanks to Fiona Morgan for use of photographs
The garden has been planted with native species of trees and flowers to support a wide range of wild life species. The intention is to create a haven for wildlife as well as people who can come to enjoy this ever changing landscape.

Díseart Visitor Centre
The Harry Clarke Windows
The Nano Nagle Room
Last Supper Fresco
Chapel of the Sacred Heart
Díseart Gardens
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