Welcome to Díseart, Dingle Co.Kerry
Díseart Institute of Irish Spirituality and Culture was founded in 1996 in the heart of Corca Dhuibhne – the Dingle Peninsula Gaeltacht (Irish speaking) and strives to promote research, courses and cultural activities in all areas of Irish Spirituality and Celtic Culture including theology, language, literature, art, laws, folklore, values, spirituality, history, music, archaeology and customs.
Heritage Week Events 2017
Díseart have organised a series of events to celebrate National Heritage Week. Further Details
Third Level Courses
Díseart is one of the first community initiatives for third-level accredited courses in the Gaeltacht and it is currently one of the few institutions in Ireland offering such a selection of courses to students while at the same time focusing on developing and strengthening the Irish language, the culture and the traditions of the Gaeltacht region. Díseart offers a range of third-level courses to visitors and locals alike, including weekend and weekly classes to Certificate and Diploma level. All of the courses welcome students from Ireland and around the world to explore the breathtaking scenery and experience the rich and vibrant traditions of this Gaeltacht area of West Kerry (Corcaguiney), with field trips and visits to the Blasket Islands and Skellig Michil an integral part of the variety of programmes on offer.
Rich Cultural Programme
Díseart has also established a rich cultural programme providing facilities for the local community and visitors. This has included an artist-in-residence scheme and a number of exhibitions. Díseart’s cultural programme is punctuated by the celebration of the four ancient Celtic festivals: Imbolg (Lá ‘le Bride), Bealtaine, Lúnasa and Samhain. These festivals bring together drama, storytelling, concerts, poetry readings, art exhibitions, liturgies, walks and pilgrimages, traditional crafts and music sessions.
Art & Poetry
Diseart has a special interest in beauty and art from the point of view of spirituality. It stresses what is now know as the sixth way via pulchridudinis, the way of beauty. This means the development of the aesthetic sense. Young and old are encourage to view and enjoy the beauties of nature, which are so striking in West Kerry. It encourages art as much as possible, among the newly creative works of art are the Nano Nagle Murals and the striking fresco in the former sisters cenaculum (dining room, Upper Room). In Italy, cenacolo is the name given to a Last Supper fresco. The artist is Ella E Yates born in Denver Colorado, whose main interest is spiritual or church art. She is educated in mural art in Philadelphia and fresco in Firenze (Florence, Italy)
The art of poetry and creative literature is much encouraged by a weekly workshop, during the winter months in the Díseart. Music is also encouraged, The Harry Clarke windows have already inspired the musical suit Lumina by Eoin Duignan. The publications of poetry resulting from the workshop include, Duilleoga Draíochta, Mil na Ceardlainne and Criathar Meala. Visit www.ansagart.ie for more information on these books.