Dé hAoine 25, 10.30 – 15.30
Friday August, 25 @ 10.30am – 15.30 pm Walk to the famine graveyard,at Cnoc a’ Chairn overlooking Dingle town, leaving from An Díseart, information will be provided on the various wildflowers and fauna visible enroute Bí Linn ar siulóid go
Dé hAoine 25, 10.30 – 15.30
Friday August, 25 @ 10.30am – 15.30 pm An opportunity to read books from the valuable Msgr. Padraig Ó Fiannachta collection, relating to nature with Cáit Ó Beaglaíoch, thanks to Bernard Ó Brádaigh Léitheoireacht faoi threoir le Cáit Ó Beaglaíoch
De Ceadaoin 23, @ 8pm
Wednesday August, 23 @ 8pm Fr. Anthony Keane OSB will launch the publication from Leachtaí Cholm Cille XLVII, which contains lectures on Ecology in the Irish Tradition from the 7th Century to the present day Déanfaidh An tAth. Anthony Keane
Tuesday August 22@ 2pm
A guided tour of the Diseart gardens with Breda Enright, suitable for families. Turas treoraithe ar Ghairdín an Disirt le Breda Enright

Díseart Garden – New Design Plans by Mary Reynolds
The Tree of Life Garden The plans for a Tree of Life Garden in the walled garden spaces are now ready and a team of voluntary workers is being mustered. This will be directed by the internationally acclaimed garden designer
Building Developments at An Díseart: New Lecture & Exhibition facilities Rooms
A special centre for visitors and tourists on the third floor which will include lecturing and exhibition facilities, coffee dock, and toilets. This too benefited from a grant from the above mentioned source.
Building Developments at An Díseart: New Elevator Installation
The latest edition to the Díseart’s building developments a three stop lift with capacity for eight persons which will make the Nano Nagle Room and the chapel accessible to all. A generous grant, which of course requires matching funding, from
Díseart Concert: Martin Hayes
Martin Hayes is regarded as one of the most extraordinary talents to emerge in the world of Irish traditional music. Dennis Cahill is a master guitarist, a native of Chicago born to parents from the Dingle Peninsula in County Kerry,
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