Scéalta sa Chlapsholas sa Díseart
Scannáin ón Áit
Déardaoin/Thursdays 9.00 i.n. – 10:30 i.n.
Free, open air screenings/ Scannáin faoin aer, saor in aisce.
22/8 Camino Voyage
29/8 Bibeanna
5/9 Dolphin’s Gift
12/9 The Uncountable Laughter of the Sea
Screenings may be held indoors in the case of bad weather.
Heritage Week at An Díseart
Let The Light In is Live in Dingle
6th – 31st August. An Diseart. 10 – 4pm Mondays to Fridays (closed at lunchtime 1-2)
The work for the Let the Light In exhibition is ongoing and as part of Heritage week, Ben Dearnley will lead an open studio session on Saturday, August 17 from 11am to 4pm at an Díseart. During the session a final panel will be filled with artwork made on the day.
The full set of eight panels will be on display for the final two weeks., as part of a community celebration of the great works of Harry Clarke installed in the chapel.
Ben’s comments on the project and the Harry Clarke windows:
This has been a fantastic journey of discovery for me and a wonderful way to share the love I have for Harry Clarke’s unrivalled works here in Dingle. I call him the Michelangelo of stained glass. For surely, he is a true Master who stands tall as one of Irelands finest creative artists of all time.
The ‘Let the Light In’ exhibition opened on Tuesday, August 6 in An Díseart and runs until August 31.
An Diseart building is open to the public each week from Monday – Friday 11am to 4pm, closed during lunch time from 1pm to 2pm. The gardens are open daily until 7:30 pm in the summer, they close earlier in the winter.

Scannáin sa chlapsholas - Films at Twighlight

Lúnasa: 22ú, 29ú
Meán Fómhair: 5ú, 12ú
August: 22nd, 29th
September: 5th ,12th

Mindful Walking classes
At the Labyrinth in An Diseart Gardens
With: Silke Michels, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher and Artist
10:30 – 11:30 Wednesday Morning , 5 sessions starting from June 26 2024
Ranganna Machnaimh Siúil
le Silke Michels
Áit: Cathair ghríobháin, Gairdíní an Dísirt
Fáilte Roimh Cách – Saor in Aisce
Cathain: 5 rang , ar an gCéadaoin, ag tosnú ar 26ú Mí an Mheithimh 2024
Am: 10:30 – 11:30

Ceol Am Lóin 1pm gach Déardaoin/every Thursday
13/6 Caroline Keane consairtín & Tom Delaney píb uileann
20/6 Mike Dowd bosca ceoil & Máire Ní Bheaglaíoch amhráin, cláirseach
27/6 Gormfhlaith & Amhlaoibh Uí Shuíocháin amhráin feadóg, bosca ceoil
4/7 Eoin Duignan píb uilleann, feadóg mhóir & John Browne giotár
11/7 Niamh Varian Barry veidhlín & Gerry O’ Beirne giotár
18/7 Áine Uí Laoithe bosca ceoil, amhráin & Eibhlín Ní Chearna amhráin
25/7 Jeremy Spencer veidhlin & Sean Ó Laoithe giotár
01/8 Cait Ní Riain veidhlín, amhráin & Eoin Ó Beaglaíoch consairtín
08/8 Máirtín Ó Cáthasaigh giotar & Eoin Burke bosca ceoil
15/8 Máire Breathnach veidhlín & Ruairí Ó hUanacháin bosca ceoil

Ceol Am Lóin Summer 2023

Ceol Am Lóin - August and September - Oíche Chultúir

Exhibition in Seomra Uachtarach, An Díseart, 16 July 2022 - 3rd August 2022 - Open Monday - Saturday, 11 pm - 1 pm and 2pm - 4pm

16 July 2022, 7pm
Guest speaker: Declan Malone speaks about ‘Social Context of a Dingle Past Life.’
Martin Rosswog will be present and give a short introduction to his work.
German photographer Martin Rosswog frequently traveled the Dingle Peninsula and the Inveragh Peninsula from the early 1970s until the early 2000s. During these visits he built a rapport with the locals and a large collection of photographs, recording a way of life in Dingle up to the mid-90s before the economic boom brought new modern changes to the peninsula. Subject matters Martin captured range from Dingle houses, streets, shops and pubs, farmhouse interiors, landscapes and local people and of course the famous Dingle Races.
These photographs taken in Ireland are shown in public for the very first time. They are the part of Rosswog’s European Rural Interiors project.
We are near our target and would ask for your continued support by donating to: https://gofund.me/aa621416
For more information about the photographer: https://www.martin-rosswog.com/

Sunday, July 17 2022 12:30pm
Martin Rosswog gives a talk and a slideshow of his images and Carl O Flaherty reads from his soon to be published book “Dingle, Ventry, Lispole”

Summer 2022 - Activities at an Díseart
Lunchtime concerts in An Díseart gardens
Thursdays at 1:00pm
9/6 Máire Breathnach (veidhlín, amhráin) & Ruairí Ó hUanacháin (bosca ceoil)
16/6 Meabh Ní Bheaglaoích (amhráin, bosca ceoil) & Cáit Ní Riain (piano, amhráin)
23/6 Bernie Pháid (amhráin, bosca ceoil) & Teresa Horgan (flúit, amhráin)
30/6 Breanndán Ó Beaglaoích (amhráin, bosca ceoil) & Gearóid Ó Duinnín (giotár)
14/7 Aoife Granville (feadóg mhór) & Deirdre Granville (cláirseach)
21/7 Seosaimhín Ní Bheaglaoich (amhráin) & Kim Fleming (Cláirseach)
28/7 Eoin Duignan (píb uilleann) & John Brown (giotár)
4/8 Nicole Ní Dhubhshláine (feadóg mhór) & Kyle Macauley (giotár)
11/8 Cillian Ó Briain (píb uileann) & Bríd Donnelly (feadóg mhór)
18/8 Jeremy Spencer (veidlín) & Eibhlís Ní Chinnéide (amhráin)
25/8 Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh (feadóg mhór, amhráin) & Gerry O’Beirne (giotár)
June concerts sponsored by an Roinn TCEGSM le tacaíocht ó Comhairle Contae Chiarraí. July/August concerts sponsored by Ealaín na Gaeltachta

Summer Events in An Díseart Gardens
Enjoy a tour of our beautiful gardens with Head Gardener Breda Enright when she will discuss the history of the place, a former convent garden, while explaining about some of the current planting. Booking necessary at info@diseart.ie as places are limited. Children welcome but must be accompanied by an adult.
16/08/2021 ag 2.30-3.30 i.n.
Siúlóid thar timpeall Gháirdín an Díseart le Niamh Ní Dhúill, ó Natural Wild Gardens, ag buaileadh le plandaí dúchasach agus úsáideach, dúinne and dos na feithidí agus na n-éan. Feicfidhmuid conas spás a dhéanamh in ár gháirdín féin don nádúr agus an bithéagsúlacht. Tá fáilte roimh páistí, in éineacht lena tuismitheoirí.
A nature walk in the garden, mainly in Irish, with Niamh Ní Dhúill from Natural Wild Gardens, exploring some habitats and getting to know some of the useful plants growing there, for us and for the insects and birds. Learn how to make some space and homes in our gardens for these creatures that are so important for the work they do in helping us to have a healthy environment. Child friendly, with some practical activities which can be done back at home and school gardens too. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Places limited so book early.
Musical Events
Beidh mórán ar siúl i nGáidíní an Dísirt ins na seachtainí atá romhainn. Leanfar leis na coirmeacha ceoil chomh maith le dráma a bheidh á léamh ag an scríbhneoir John Mac Manus. Beidh cur i láthair draoichtiúil ag an ngrúpa Giorria. Ana shamhradh is ea é!
Seo a leanas na ceoltóirí a bheidh ag seimint i nGáirdíní an Dísirt. Táimid buíoch d’Ealaín na Gaeltachta as a dtacaíocht. Beidh na coirmeacha seo saor in aisce ach beidh teora leis na huimhreacha do réir srianta na pandéime. Beidh boscaí bailithe airgid ann más mian libh tacú le obair an Díseart. Beir libh casóga báistí ar eagla na heagla! Táimid buíoch leis do Chomharchumann Forbartha Chorca Dhuibhne and do Mhark Murphy.
The schedule for concerts in An Díseart gardens is as follows. Numbers will be limited according to present Covid 19 Guidelines. There is no entrance fee, but boxes will be on hand if you wish to support the work of An Díseart.
Bring your rain coat – just in case! We are very grateful for the support of Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Comharchumann Forbartha Chorca Dhuibhne and Mark Murphy.
Thursday/Déardaoin, 22 July 1pm – 2pm Aoife and Deirdre Granville
Thursday/Déardaoin, 29 /July/Iúil 1-2in Méabh Ní Bheaglaoich agus Niamh Varian-Barry
Thursday/Déardaoin, 5 August/Lúnasa 1-2in Cliodhna Ní Bheaglaoich agus Eoin Ó Beaglaoich
Thursday/Déardaoin, 12 August/Lúnasa 1-2in Bríd Donnelly agus Cillian Ó Briain
Thursday/Deardaoin, 19 August/Lúnasa 1-2in Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh agus Gerry O’Beirne
Thursday/Deardaoin, 26 August/Lúnasa 1-2in Eoin Duignan agus a chairde

Danger Money - Dráma le John Mc Manus
Dráma á léamh ag an scríbhneoir John McManus
Award winning playwright John Mc Manus will deliver a performed reading of his play “Danger Money” – “a beautiful ‘close-up’ of rural Irish life”, full of heartache and humour. The story is told by Teddy ‘the Mucker’ Tucker who emigrated to London, it was only ever meant to be a stepping stone for him but somehow he stayed there for over thirty years. Until one day he abruptly abandoned his friends and his job and returned home to North Leitrim. Where we find him with a lot on his mind: Why did he ever come back to Leitrim? why did that Danny fella ever leave Ventry? why does’nt his landlord take a drink? are dead people flying around as birds? should snakes receive the Free Travel Pass? who puts plasterboard on a shower? why is he gathering turf in the bog when when he does’nt have a fireplace?.
Time: Dé Máirt/Tuesday 27 Iúil/Déardaoin/Thursday 29 Iúil 7 p.m., Ticéid €10 – le ceannach ag an ócáid. Tickets €10 – to be purchased at the event
Faoi Scáth le Chéile - Simasaíocht agus ceol le Giorría
Seó spleodrach spraíúil amuigh faoin aer!
Cuirfidh an Díseart fáilte roimh GIORRIA le seo draíochtúil, turas faoi chumhacht an nádúir agus teacht aniar na ndaoine in am an ghátair. Curtha i láthair ag GIORRIA, i ngairdín An Dísirt sa Daingean.
Beidh meascán de cheol, rince, scéalaíocht, amhránaíocht ‘s filíocht.…agus caithfear súil ghrinn ar na nithe a spreagann an greann in aimsir na géarchéime, i gcomhluadar na mbandéithe Mór agus Mís, agus cúpla Cailleach!
Is comhchoiteann ildánach amharclannaíochta GIORRIA agus beidh an seó spraíúil seo ar siúl i nGáirdín an Dísirt sa Daingean ar an Satharn 7 Lúnasa ag 20.30. Ticéid-Saor in aisce, ach áit a chur in áirithe ag: www.giorriatheatre.com www.siamsatire.com. Fáilte roimh leanaí os cionn 8 bl.
Buíochas as tacaíocht ón gComhairle Ealaíon, OÉ Gaillimh, Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Comhairle Chontae na Gaillimhe agus Siamsa Tíre, Tuilleadh eolais: Giorria19@gmail.com
An Díseart welcomes artist collective GIORRAI with their latest production Under a Shadow…Together
Come with us on a journey about the power of nature and our resilience during the pandemic, staged outdoors in the Diseart Garden, Dingle, On Saturday 7th August at 20.30
A night of storytelling, dance, music, poetry and movement, with a comic look at what makes us get through the hard times, in the company of goddess and witches. Presented by the GIORRIA collective.
Tickets are free, but must be reserved at: www.giorriatheatre.com or www.siamsatire.com. Children over 8 years welcome.
With the kind support of the Arts Council, NUI Galway, Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Galway County Council and Siamsa Tíre. For more information contact: Giorria19@gmail.com

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